Advanced Studies in England (ASE)
A top-quality academic and cultural experience.
Since our first semester in 1989, ASE has established a reputation as a leading provider of high quality, academically rigorous study abroad experiences for undergraduates from US institutions. The Programme is based in the World Heritage City of Bath, in the South-West of England, and faculty are drawn from various reputable institutions of Higher Education, including the University of Oxford (with which the Programme has long-standing academic ties), the University of Bristol and Bath Spa University.
Among ASE’s regular institutional partners in the USA are Bard College, Bates College, Bowdoin College, Boston College, Brandeis University, Bucknell University, Christopher Newport University, Clark University, Colby College, The Colleges of William and Mary, Davidson University, Denison University, Dickinson College, Drake University, Elon University, Georgetown University, Gettysburg College, Hamilton University, Hampton University, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Kenyon College, Lycoming College, Meredith College, Mount Holyoke College, Oberlin College, Saint Michael’s College, Sarah Lawrence College, Skidmore College, Smith College, Spelman College, The University of Mary Washington, The University of Rochester, Washington and Lee University, Wellesley College, Wells College, Wesleyan University, Williams College, and Yale University.
The Programme is owned by Franklin and Marshall College PA, which is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Education.
We welcome applications from suitably qualified undergraduates from all US institutions of Higher Education.

From Advanced Studies in England’s Mission Statement
ASE seeks to provide academically ambitious liberal arts undergraduates, of diverse backgrounds and from a range of US institutions, with a distinctively English study abroad experience that will have a lasting positive impact on their lives and, through them, on the lives of others.
In all things, we strive to contribute to the shared goal of helping students become ‘informed, open-minded and responsible people who are attentive to diversity across the spectrum of differences’*.
* Global Learning Value Rubric, Association of American Colleges and Universities

“ASE offers a dynamic and robust curriculum across a broad range of disciplines, delivered by stellar faculty. Students speak glowingly about studying in Bath (and at Oxford) and return to our campus with a heightened awareness of cultural difference and advanced critical thinking skills.”
— Michael Arnush, Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Classics, Skidmore College