Why are evil characters so often more fascinating than the good? Why are we drawn to literature that takes us to places that disturb yet fascinate, and how does reading such texts inform our thoughts and attitudes towards the world around us? This course explores the representation of evil through literary texts and theoretical arguments. Key themes include the propensity for evil within groups; the desire for a leader; and the way in which psychopathology is presented in literature and the 'true crime' genre.
The texts chosen will be used to illustrate these themes and include: Truman Capote, In Cold Blood; Art Spiegelman, Maus; Patricia Highsmith, The Talented Mr Ripley; Oyinkan Braithwaite, My Sister the Serial Killer, and Jon Ronson, The Psychopath Test. The course will also encourage discussion about the use of the word 'evil' and its place in the twenty-first century.
Related study trip
Students will visit the Imperial War Museum's Holocaust exhibition as part of a day-trip to London, in order to provide context for some of the works being studied.
ASE reserves the right to change the content of course-specific study trips where necessary.