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Advanced Studies in England - study abroad in Bath.
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Limited places are available on each course to preserve the small, interactive class experience, and places on most courses will be allocated to suitably qualified applicants on a first-come-first-served basis.
Re-visiting the Museum
What are museums for? Are they simply repositories of objects, or institutions for political and societal change?
This course will engage with current debates around museums: the repatriation of objects, the display of human remains, accessibility, and the cultural politics and active agency of the pieces on display.
The Romans in Britain
This course investigates both the impact of the Roman invasion upon Britain and also the role and function of Britain within the wider Roman empire.
Internship: The Roman Baths
Nearly a million tourists a year from across the globe come to see the Roman Baths, making the site one of the leading visitor attractions in the country.
Classics & Classical Languages - ASE Advanced Tutorial
Students can study an aspect of the Greco-Roman world, its history, literature and languages (Ancient Greek and Classical Latin), Greco-Roman philosophy or archaeology.