Courses available in Music
ASE believes music is an essential medium of human expression. We’re building a robust selection of music courses ranging from seminars that examine the intricacies of popular genres or focus on artist development to advanced tutorials in instrument practice or music theory and an internship at the Bath Philarmonia.
Music is undeniably a fundamental part of being human. It plays a substantial role in culture, social bonds, knowledge building, communication, and even neurological health. This course requires students to tap into the deep power of music while cultivating creativity and collaboration through practical music-making both individually and as a group.
When rock music first hit American mainstream culture, it was understood within the industry that it borrowed sounds from blues, gospel music, and jazz. While these genres are still considered to be the origins of rock and roll, further study reveals far-reaching links connecting distant cultures and rock music over a span of millennia. This course examines rock's ancient roots, which lie in a global dialogue that continues to evolve.
“Serious art is born from serious play”–Julia Cameron’s seminal work The Artist’s Way suggests that creativity necessitates a sense of freedom and curiosity. This course aims to nourish and develop the creative practice and skills that underpin songwriting, as well as establishing authenticity and play as the foundations to a creative life and career.
Bath Philharmonia is the city's professional orchestra, performing a year-round programme of concerts in Bath's historic venues.
Students can choose to delve into music theory or instrument tuition of their choice.
Students will hone their creativity and skills in song structure, lyrics, and melody.