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Advanced Studies in England - study abroad in Bath.
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Limited places are available on each course to preserve the small, interactive class experience, and places on most courses will be allocated to suitably qualified applicants on a first-come-first-served basis.

Psychology and Culture
This course explores a broad range of topics at the intersection of Psychology and Culture. The term “culture” will be broadly defined but focus on viewing culture through a comparative lens between the United Kingdom and United States. Students will explore and better understand how culture influences their lives and the lives of others across the globe. Special emphasis will be placed on examining the research literature in cultural psychology and critically analysing the impact of culture on everyday life and society in the U.S. and U.K.

Psychology and Women
Women have contributed to the discipline of Psychology since its inception.
This course will explore the history of women in Psychology, from the rarely discussed pioneers to the contemporary female voices in the discipline today. The role women played in the expansion of psychological theories, constructs, and ideas will be examined.

Psychology - ASE Advanced Tutorial
An opportunity to focus in-depth on an area of the field that most intrigues you, and to undertake research, under the guidance of a UK-based professor, with a comparative or British element.